Welcome to The Gloucestershire Wildfowling and Conservation Association
2023/2024 membership forms now online. Check these out in the members section.

The GWCA was formed in 1956 by a small group of local wildfowlers whose vision and foresight laid the foundations of what has since grown into on of the largest wildfowling clubs in the UK. There have been many changes during the clubs history; most notable is the increase in the area of shooting ground available to our members. This now extends to over 30 miles of the Upper Severn Estuary, including both banks. All of these areas are managed for conservation in cooperation with landowners, farmers, conservation partners and government agencies..
A key ongoing objective for the GWCA is to introduce the next generation of sportsmen and women to wildfowling. Both in association with BASC and independently we run young shots days every summer which are open to members and non-members alike. These days are carefully designed to intorduce youngsters to country sports in general. These days are always well attended and are an important feature of our underlying principles of promoting Conservation, Education and Recreation on the Severn Estuary.
The association is actively pursuing a land purchase policy, alongside the leasing of new marshes, to preserve responsible and sustainable wildfowling for future generations. The GWCA has earned a reputation as being a forward thinking high profile club and is regarded as one of the top ten BASC affiliated Wildfowling associations. New members are always welcome and we have a well established structure for introducing newcomers to the sport.

Frampton Country Fair
The Frampton Country Fair takes place in The Park, Frampton on Severn in September. As normal the GWCA was there answering questions, promoting GWCA activities & membership. The Association has been involved in assisting with the organisation for many years.