Gloucestershire Wildfowlers Association News
Newsletter Nov 2021
Hello, I trust that this finds you all well and enjoying the season and the recent change in weather... far better to have a colder snap and some wind!
The committee has added a rule in.
" No cartridges containing lead shot are to be taken onto any Marsh or other ground owned by or controlled by GWCA for any flight." This will be ratified at the next AGM but is in effect from NOW.
Junior Day: The Juniors from GWCA as well as visitors from other clubs in the South West enjoyed an interesting and enjoyable day at Poulton Court. some clays were shot , along with displays/talks regarding a variety of wildfowling subjects. The day was then ended with a flight on that marsh.
These Junior Days see to be so good that we are looking at running a similar day in the close season for Associates from next summer.
Another change for Associates for next season is how we run/organise the marsh walks and Associate flights. A committee member will be allocated to each of the main marshes to sort out dates etc for both the walk and the flight. They will then be chasing up for attendance/help. We will ask people to book on that they are going or attending to mentor/help.
Even if you have been a member for so long that your id test included dinosaurs, or you have only just become an Associate, you can help someone else to learn and enjoy the marsh.
Bird Id Course: If you intend the attend or do the test, please ensure that you have told Ian Whitehall... without passing this test, you CAN NOT progress to full membership.
Poulton Court:
The recent rains and high tides have filled the new water ways at Poulton.... hopefully when the ground gets saturated and the new pump arrives, they will be kept like this, with fresh or slightly brackish water and attract a lot of birds over our areas. In case you have not visited Poulton Court for a while. the access route has changed. There is now a gate in the car park, walk through that and along the strolled path - this leads into the kidney field, stay to the right hand edge to the top of the field and through the double 'airlock' gates. Please do not take cars etc along to the hut.